Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some Resources

Hey guys. It seems like everyone is a little blog-shy. Don't be.

I just wanted to share some resources that others might find helpful. is a site that has tons of scanned papers and pamphlets and books on topics like feminism, anarchy, and monkeywrenching. It's free to join, and free to access material once you're a member. has cool experimental materials that I never thought existed, and you can buy samples of it (sometimes for cheap). Things like glow-in-the-dark thread, heat-sensitive tiles, and LED fabric. is a site that has really cool DIY projects on there, like MIDI shoes, homemade breads, 2-part silicone molds, and how to make your own underwear. I have a Pro Membership which lets you download PDFs and view all the pictures in the directions, and I'll give you the username and password if you just email me.


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