Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just a Thought...

So, I'm definitely not the most creative in this group, but I did have a small idea (better developed with help from Kev and Ana) for a possibly on-going feature in the magazine. I thought there could be a "Top 25 Collaborations" article in each issue spotlighting some of the best collaborations that have taken place throughout the past 50 years or so (the details are still in the works). Kev and Ana helped me think up a few and we decided that to make it easier to more fully highlight the best collaborations in various areas, each month could have a different theme (like politics, fashion, music, etc.). This is where I need help, anyone who wants to suggest a theme or a "collaboration" that they think should be spotlighted, please let me, Ana, or Kev know, or if you would just like to plain help us out, we would love it!! Leave a comment or send me an email with any thoughts.


  1. This is a great idea, especially for the current theme (collaboration). The magazine itself will usually have a theme to base the list off of, but for this issue you should consider collaboration "in general". I think it works for the kickoff issue, being the model for other issues.

  2. really good idea. I want in. I love lists.

  3. What about collaborations between cultures? We could feature anything from political collaboration or peacemaking to beautiful interracial couples. I love learning from people that have lived very different lives and in very different circumstances from my own. Just an idea.
